What Cloudious9 has done, this time, is take a little bit of innovation and some tried and true methods all mixed together in an aluminum shell. This mixture of technology and design makes for a dry herb vaporizer that delivers smooth rich cooled vapors at six different terpene-releasing temperatures, It is easier to maintain and clean than most other devices and doesn’t break the bank.
The dual-layer heating technology heats the unit to six different temperatures quickly, delivers a rich vapor, and shuts down, to conserve the battery, and keep the unit from becoming too hot for comfort.
There are also two features that I don’t remember seeing before. There is a retractable scoop for filling the vaporizer. I didn’t think much of it at first but it turns out that it’s very handy for quick filling. The other new thing is the full access cleaning. The cooling chamber, in the mouthpiece, and the residue cleaning chamber, in the body, make for easy access and cleaning.
The Atomic9 is a nice-looking, lightweight dry herb vaporizer that delivers a good or better overall experience than vaporizers at twice or even three times the price. I give it my full endorsement and am confident that the Atomic9 will not disappoint.
Check it out for yourself at Cloudious9.com