GROW TIP: Most Common Cannabis Training Techniques


Cannabis plants left unpruned will normally grow in a Christmas tree shape, meaning the top portion receives the most light, while the bottom portion is overshadowed. This is called apical dominance. Cannabis plant training aims to even the playing field and allow the lower (sub-apical) branches to receive light, resulting in higher bud yields. Alternatively, some methods are focused on removing the lower sub-apical layer altogether, so that the focus is purely on the best flowering stems at the top.

Low-stress training (LST) starts during the vegetative stage. It requires strategically bending the stems (without breaking them), so that they spread out from the center of your cannabis plants. This results in shorter plants with several dominant colas (the flowering top of a plant) rather than taller plants with a single, main cola. The two main LST methods are Sea of Green (SOG) and Screen of Green (SCROG).

When using the Sea of Green (SOG) training technique, plants are planted close to each other and kept in a vegetative stage for a much shorter time than usual. The plants are transferred to a 12/12 light regime that promotes the initiation of the flowering phase. As a result, you end up with short and compact plants that flower quickly. This works especially well for short and bushy varieties. This method helps to utilize the space and increase yield and reduce the chance of losing the whole crop. Of course, the negative is that you’ll need to plant more – thus increasing your seed cost.

The main goal behind the Screen of Green (SCROG) method is to restrict your plants from growing vertically and instead encourage lateral growth, out and away from the main stem. This is done by hanging a screen, usually made of plastic netting, above your young plants. When their branches reach the screen, they are weaved through and redirected into growing horizontally instead of vertically.

Lollipopping is a high-stress technique that requires removing the bottom leaves and branches of your cannabis plants. It is used by many growers as it often leads to higher yields. If performed correctly, your plants should be thin at the bottom and round and heavy on the top – like a lollipop. Lollipopping uses a combination of pruning and defoliation to remove unnecessary branches from the lower portion of the plant, which will be overshadowed by taller stems during the flowering phase. It is usually performed at the beginning of flowering. 

Super cropping is an exciting but challenging training technique that is best suited to experienced growers. This method requires you to do something counterintuitive – bend the branches downwards at about a 90-degree angle. As a reaction to this wounding event, the plants will produce a stress response that could lead to increased trichome production and a larger flower yield overall. The bend should be strong enough to break the fibers inside the branches while leaving the outer walls intact. If bent too hard, your plant may not recover.

Learn more about growing your own by downloading your FREE Cannigma Cannabis at Home Growing Guide. 

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