President John F Kennedy used Medical Marijuana for Pain

President John F Kennedy used marijuana to deal with severe back pain and control his affliction with Addison’s disease, according to a few written accounts, including “John F. Kennedy: A Biography”, which described this White House scene:

“On the evening of July 16, 1962, according to [Washington Post executive] Jim Truitt, Kennedy and Mary Meyer smoked marijuana together. … The president smoked three of the six joints Mary brought to him. At first he felt no effects. Then he closed his eyes and refused a fourth joint. ‘Suppose the Russians did something now,’ he said.”

President Kennedy long suffered with Addison’s disease (also Addison disease, chronic adrenal insufficiency, hypocortisolism, and hypoadrenalism) which is a rare, chronic endocrine system disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce sufficient steroid hormones (glucocorticoids and often mineralocorticoids). It is characterized by a number of relatively nonspecific symptoms, such as abdominal pain and weakness, but under certain circumstances, these may progress to Addisonian crisis, a severe illness which may include very low blood pressure and coma.

The condition arises from problems with the adrenal gland, primary adrenal insufficiency, and can be caused by damage by the body’s own immune system, certain infections, or various rarer causes. Addison’s disease is also known as chronic primary adrenocortical insufficiency, to distinguish it from acute primary adrenocortical insufficiency, most often caused by Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome. Addison’s disease should also be distinguished from secondary and tertiary adrenal insufficiency, which are caused by deficiency of ACTH (produced by the pituitary gland) and CRH (produced by the hypothalamus), respectively. Despite this distinction, Addisonian crises can happen in all forms of adrenal insufficiency.

Addison’s disease and other forms of hypoadrenalism are generally diagnosed via blood tests and medical imaging. Treatment involves replacing the absent hormones (oral hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone). Lifelong, continuous steroid replacement therapy is required, with regular follow-up treatment and monitoring for other health problems.

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Medical Marijuana and Epilepsy

A chronic seizure disorder, epilepsy affects millions of people worldwide. The sudden and recurrent seizures that result in altered consciousness, convulsions, and other unwanted motor activity cannot be cured, only controlled. Unfortunately though, approximately 30 percent of all epileptic cases are resistant to standard pharmaceutical treatment. Those suffering from epilepsy who do not respond to typical treatment or are looking for a more natural control method often seek out medical marijuana as an alternative form of treatment.

Medicinal marijuana has been used to treat the symptoms of many debilitating neurological diseases since ancient times, so it’s no wonder that it’s also a go-to drug for epilepsy. In fact, it has been used as an anticonvulsant since 1000BC, according to ancient Indian literature. When marijuana was introduced to Western medicine in the 19th century, it quickly became one of the most commonly prescribed treatment options for controlling epileptic seizures, that is, until it became a prohibited substance in the 20th century and its use plummeted.

Fortunately, as medicinal marijuana has become more commonplace—and legal—in North America in recent years, its use for many disorders and illnesses, including epilepsy, has regained popularity. In fact, a 2004 study claimed that 20 percent of epileptic Canadians were using cannabis to control their seizures on a regular basis, with the majority reporting marked improvements in both severity and frequency, while none reported their symptoms getting worse with use. The endocannabinoid system seems to have a role in seizure activity, making it an effective alternative treatment option. 

Though anecdotal evidence and some limited studies have shown positive results for using medicinal marijuana to control seizure activity, animal studies have suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) provides more consistent health benefits for epilepsy than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Both compounds are present in medical marijuana, though ratios can vary. THC has shown conflicting results as an anticonvulsant. Depending on the type of epilepsy, the dosage, and other factors, some THC has shown to exhibit convulsant effects—the opposite effective that epileptic patients seek. In addition, the increased brain activity caused by THC withdrawal could also cause seizures.

On the other hand, there is conclusive evidence that CBD can be a strong anticonvulsant without the risk of causing seizures itself. Those looking to control seizure activity with marijuana should choose strains that are higher in CBD than THC in order to get the maximum health benefits and the lowest risks.

There are many anti-epileptic drugs on the market, all with varying degrees of effectiveness for patients. Animal studies have shown that medical marijuana is just as effective as some pharmaceuticals for preventing seizures, such as chlordiazepoxide and carbamazepine, and even more effective than others, such as ethosuximide, trimethadione, and phenytoin.

However, due to the fact that medical marijuana has never been tested on human subjects suffering epileptic seizures, its use as a treatment for such a neurologic condition is still a hotly debated issue, and physicians are often hesitant to prescribe it instead of pharmaceuticals. Although more data is clearly needed, anecdotal evidence and animal studies have shown that medical marijuana, and particularly CBD, is a safe, natural alternative to pharmaceuticals in the treatment of epilepsy, and in the cases of drug-resistant seizures, it might be the only treatment option available.

As medicinal marijuana starts to become more accepted as a form of treatment in the healthcare industry and society as a whole, more epileptic patients are now benefiting from its use to control seizure activity in order to live more normal daily lives. There’s little doubt that it will become a more prevalent treatment option for epileptic seizures in the future.

Thank You: The Medical Marijuana Association

Is Alcohol the Real Gateway Drug?

A new argument has surfaced, based on a new study finding that the age old thinking of recreational marijuana being a “gateway drug” just simply isn’t the case. Of course, some drug abusers are victims of experiencing some sort of gateway drug to get to where they are today, but this new study suggests it’s not marijuana to blame. The culprit actually sits on a shelf behind the bar at your local watering hole. That’s right, the insanely socially accepted substance, alcohol, is the prime suspect.

Using a sample from the University of Michigan’s annual Monitoring the Future survey, the study destroys the theory that recreational marijuana use will open doors to bigger and more destructive drugs, definitively proving that pot is not the primary factor of whether a person will move on to more dangerous substances. It’s no shock to anyone that alcohol is more addictive than THC, which has been proven (and argued) that it’s not addictive at all on a physical level. You could also argue that some alcohol abusers might try to seek out something stronger to quench their insatiable thirst, some even turning to rubbing alcohol like Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas.

In the last Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the CDC found that about 71% of American students have had consumed at least one alcoholic beverage in their lifetime. The same survey showed that at least 39% had an alcoholic drink within the last 30 days, and another study in the medical journal, Lancet, ranked alcohol as the most harmful drug of all. They had ranked alcohol above tobacco, cocaine, crack, and even heroin. On top of that, The Lancet study even showed that harm to others near the user were more than doubled those of drugs like heroin. That’s pretty compelling evidence considering recreational marijuana isn’t even on the list, in fact, it’s nowhere near it.

This report shows evidence that substance abuse behaviors can be predicted with a great degree of accuracy by closely studying a subject’s drug history. It shows that marijuana as the primary “gateway drug” to even more dangerous substances got out of hand because of its creators. Creators who conveniently called it the ‘Stepping Stone Hypothesis” in the 1930s. During the age of Reefer Madness, these people had misread the data and had completely failed to do a proper follow up. I wonder why? The latest form of the gateway theory is that it all begins with THC and then moves on to harder and more harmful drugs. According to this study, it confirms this hypothesis, but doesn’t show recreational marijuana as the frontrunner, but rather alcohol as the leading gateway drug.

Compelling evidence considering the fact that marijuana is still firmly planted into the minds of some people as being the “gateway drug” of the present, when in fact, it’s really just a theory from the past.

via: Cannabis Sativa

GROW YOUR MEDICINE Soils and Mediums

There are many options to grow with, and many different types of marijuana growing soils and products of which one is best.  One of the fun things about growing cannabis is experimenting with different techniques and finding the one you feel most comfortable with.


Soil is composed of clay, sand, rock and organics. Organics are decomposed animal and plant matter that provide the soil with nutrient content.  The rocks and sand provide drainage that helps the roots grow while the clay helps with moisture.  Soil is often full of microorganisms that are breaking down the organics contained within it by feeding on them.  Soil works very well in the ground but can heavy in containers because it can clump.  The use of other ingredients with soil can help lighten it and help water distribute evenly throughout it.

Some of the highest reviewed potting soils include:

  • Happy Frog Potting Soil
  • Roots Organic Potting Soil
  • Vital Earth’s Organic Potting Soil


Perlite is a porous white substance that is used to stabilize water holding in plant mixes.  It is very light and actually floats in water.  Perlite is usually used for cloning and mixing with other grow mediums but in some cases is used as the primary medium.

The Whittemore Company has been supplying perlite products since 1919 and we recommend them for all your perlite needs.

Warning! When handling perlite, because of the dust it gives off, the use of a respirator device or facemask is recommended so as not to damage your lungs.


Vermiculite, crushed volcanic rock, known as “puffed mica”, is medium that provides great drainage when mixed with other grow mediums. It holds water as well as a sponge and because of this, it is often mixed with other ingredients to help with air and water retention.

Vermiculite is very lightweight.  Vermiculite is not often used as a stand-alone medium.
We have had good results with Espoma Organic Vermiculite from
Warning! Dry vermiculate is harmful to breath. Before using it, wet it down so the dust doesn’t get in your lungs.


Rockwool is spun rock that comes in multiple sizes of cube.  The smaller cubes are often used for seedlings or clones, and are great at draining moisture.  The larger blocks are regularly used in hydroponic systems such as ebb and flow trays.  To make sure there are no air bubbles present, it is recommended to submerge Rockwool in water for 8 hours prior to use.

Rockwool works well with Marijuana roots because it has porosity that helps hold air and water.  It also is the right density so roots can easily grow and move throughout Rockwool.  Rockwool is sterile, meaning it has no nutrients.

When purchasing rockwool we always recommend using Grodan’s products.
Warning! When using rock wool it is recommended to use a facemask when handling it.
Rockwool gives off noxious fibers and should be wetted before use to avoid them.

Hydroton, Coconut Fiber and More at: Cannabis Training University


REVIEW the Journey3 pipe Clever Engineering and Cool Design

The Journey3 combines clever engineering and cool design to deliver a cool smooth smoking experience.

The Journey3 is made up of three pieces of zinc alloy held together by a strong magnet. The three pieces come together to form a screen-less filter. The filter not only collects most of the tar but starts the cooling process engineered into the pipe.

The lid keeps your fine smokables secure during your travels and smothers the burning embers between hits.

In my opinion, the best feature of the Journey3 is that it is so easy to clean. Even at it’s dirtiest, the J3 can be cleaned to new with a paper towel, a little bit of alcohol or your favorite cleaner and a couple of minutes. In a pinch, you can even clean everything up pretty good with a dry napkin or paper towel.

The Journey3 definitely makes a great gift for your fellow enthusiasts as well as a great little gift for yourself.

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